Tuesday, May 29, 2007

More Tag sale lovin on Saturday the second!

Tag sale season lives on in this time of 90 degree days in not-yet-June NYC. I've explained my love of such sales in a previous post (see the Perry Street tag sale boost) but would like to expand upon the type of goodies an astute and able "plucker" can find at such an event. At the Perry Street event (which is all but a carbon copy of what Jane Street holds) I found....

A velvet label never-worn summer dress- $6
A purple striped strapless dress with satin sash $10
A brown and white polka dotted Vivian Tam designer dress $20
Tan leather flats $10
The Kite Runner - $1
Ghostwritten- $1
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie - $1
The Plot Against America - $2
Long beaded wooden necklace -$2
In total, three dresses, a pair of shoes, a necklace and four books for a mere 53 bucks!

So you've basically got to go to what may be the last of the grand summer tag sales at Jane street west of Hudson. Enjoy!

THIS JUST IN: BONUS sale right nearby on West 12th between Greenwich and Washington , whoo hoo!

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